"Regardless of how someone believes he or she performed during the interview, sending a short thank-you note afterward demonstrates initiative and courtesy," said Max Messmer, chairman of Accountemps and author of "Managing Your Career for Dummies." "Conveying appreciation in a well-written message is not only polite, it also can distinguish a job applicant from others vying for the same position."
More than half (52&) of executives tend to favor handwritten notes versus e-mails. Forty-four percent prefer e-mail messages, 3% like to receive both types of thank-you notes and 1% aren't sure.
Messmer thinks the best method is to send an e-mail soon after the interview and then follow up with more formal communication.
"E-mail ensures immediacy, but hiring managers still favor the personal touch of a handwritten note," said Messmer.
Accountemps offers these suggestions when writing a post-interview thank-you note:
- Limit the length to a few paragraphs.
- Express your appreciation.
- Re-emphasize your interest in the job.
- Reinforce the positive elements you could bring to the company.
Gender stereotyping can have consequences for women trying to climb the ladder in the working world. Men are still seen as "typical leaders," leaving women with a hard road to the leadership positions.
Dr. Laura Sabattini, who authored the double-bind study and serves as director in research at Catalyst, the nonprofit organization working to advance opportunities for women and business, says women have to prove themselves to be qualified more frequently than men. Women face higher standards.
Although women make up more than 50% of the management and professional positions, only 15.6% of Fortune 500 corporate officers and 14.6% of board directors are women, according to "The Double-Bind Dilemma for Women in the Leadership: Damned if You Do, Doomed if You Don't" study.
Sabattini describes the three dilemmas facing women leaders:
- Extreme perceptions: If women leaders go against gender stereotypes, they are seen as too tough; however, if they go along with the stereotypes, they are depicted as too soft.
- High competence/lower rewards: Women usually have to work harder than men for the same position in order to prove their abilities. And women tend to receive fewer rewards.
- Competent but disliked: Women who act with assertiveness are seen as not personable. But those who are likable are depicted as lacking leadership skills.
Catalyst attempts to illustrate this stereotyping issue as an organizational problem, not just an individual-woman problem. Many working environments are based on an old working model with men as the default leaders; therefore, they are seen as the best leaders. Organizations are missing out on a great source of talent: women leaders.
Sabattini thinks that companies need to be more attentive to gender stereotyping.
"It is a win-win for companies," says Sabattini. "Both women and men can improve the working environment.
The study offers a few suggestions for organizations to bring awareness:
- Give women leaders and other co-workers resources to spread the word about women leadership skills as well as the effects of gender stereotyping.
- Create and practice techniques that address gender bias.
"Stereotyping is a vicious cycle; the perception remains with only a few women at the top."
For more information visit www.catalystwomen.org.
E-mail Amy Winter at amy.winter@copleynews.com or write to P.O. Box 120190, San Diego, CA 92112