Consultant jobs in HR deal with all kinds of workplace situations. You’ll need to know how to work with people and have a knack for helping them resolve their issues and problems. It might deal with sexual harassment or some other office policies, or it might just be a simple dispute between two co-workers. Your job is to keep the peace and as a consultant, you’ll be working with the directors and supervisors, helping them understand how to better cope with problems in the workplace.
Generally, HR jobs require at least a bachelor’s degree. You should look into getting accepted into a solid university and finishing with a degree in something similar to the field. Many different majors can be applicable to HR so feel free to choose based off of your preference and personal experience. It’s also a plus to get an internship under your belt. With a little hands-on experience, you’ll have a much better chance of landing the position you want. This is something to look into for your Junior and Senior year of college. You can also begin with an assistant position and get a great feel for the company before you work for them. This will help introduce yourself to the company and to the people you’d be working for. Once they’ve gotten to know you better, you’ll be in a much better position to land the fulltime job you want.
Salaries range depending on the size of the company you work for. It’s usually from $55K-$75K for hr jobs. If you have an impressive internship under your belt and come from a great university, you should expect to see a higher salary to begin with. It’s helpful to have connections within the company so someone can put in a good word for you.
Consultant jobs keep you at a distance from everything. You’re training people to deal with what you’d be doing if you were working in their hr department. But as a consultant, you simply get to tell them how to improve. So if you don’t know your stuff, you might be lost, but if you do, then this is a great job with great benefits and great hours!