Take a moment to think about how you are going to make yourself unforgettable. Some of the things that you can do to make yourself difficult to get off the mind are subtle and you will find that they all require practice. For instance, when you are first introduced to someone, remember that you should smile and hold his or her gaze for just an extra second. If you don't do this enough, you will look submissive and nervous, and if you do it too long, you are going to look too aggressive, but the truth of the matter is that when you do this just right, people are going to remember you.
Remember that no matter what you are doing, you need to be passionate about it. It doesn't matter what industry you are in or what kind of problems it might be having. You should make it a point to be excited about what you are doing and you should feel compelled to share this with people. An interesting trick that you need to keep in mind is that the more enthusiastic you are, the more enthusiastic people are going to be around you. Enthusiasm and good spirits are catching and you will find that it can make you much more distinctive to the people around you. Consider what kind of attitude you want them to remember you having.
Also, start thinking about the way that you talk. Language is one of the chief ways that we do things and get things done and when you write on your resume that you are a born communicator, this is something that you need to master. Start by quoting yourself. Try not to do this in a way that forced other people to laugh at your jokes; just try to turn out sound bites that other people can remember. Soon, you won't be the only one quoting you! The more time you spend differentiating your language and infecting others with the way you talk, the better off you are going to be, and the more memorable you will find yourself.
Make sure that you know what your own personal philosophy is. For instance, if everyone acted like you, what would the world be like? How does your personal philosophy make you a good friend, a good family member, or even a good employee? Sometimes an employer will ask you what your personal philosophy is and it is always best to have an answer. Someone who is confident and who has thought things through is always going to be an asset.