Find out how much you have earned for your company, how much money you have saved for your company, how much profit you have brought to your firm. All these things should be found out in advance before asking for a pay raise and then depending upon the result that you get out of your findings you can ask for a pay raise.
Human resource is a department that is concerned and responsible for handling all the administrative work of an organization. It is basically subjected to do planning, organizing and directing functions of an organization. The pay increase matter is also a part of the human resource job. Human resource jobs are good for making human resource careers. The human resource jobs demands well-qualified and well-trained employees. The people who are most interested in human resource jobs should be serious to pursue human resource careers. The human resource department is the life blood of any organization. It is such a department which is always in relation with the other department. Every organization requires human resource to run their organization.
The human resource managers jobs are the high levels human resource jobs and offer good human resource careers. The human resource manager jobs are not easy to get. Every organization demands good candidates to fill the human resource manager jobs vacancies. The human resource manager jobs require high skills and efficiencies. They come under the higher level hierarchy of jobs.