The fact is that you must first set some achievable targets and goals. Do not for once assume that you can be a successful doctor merely because your father or mother has been one. So once you pass out, prepare your resume highlighting your attributes and achievements in a simple manner and lucid language. Do not clutter your resume with words that will complicate things for you. Remember the resume will be scrutinized before an interview- so never make false statements that will be challenged in an interview. Also if those false achievements in your resume help you to bag a job, remember that you might not be able to perform and can be chucked out within a matter of weeks.
Facts provided in a resume are often crosschecked, so be precise and short. If you have no idea of how to create your resume with all the relevant details take help from a professional who will make a resume for you or you can read one online and create your own resume with the ideas provided there.
Start applying for a job immediately after completion of your education. Drop your resumes to placement agencies or convey your job requirement to your friends and relatives who might give you some idea as to where you can get a vacancy that will suit your purpose. Post your resume to job sites and you are sure to get some interview calls.
If you are not interested in a full time job you can freelance from home or set up your own business. You must be good in social networking and must utilize Internet marketing tools in order to start a business of your own. Market yourself well and you will be flooded with opportunities.