Economic crisis do not distinguish between countries, social classes or anything of the sort. However, for some people losing their jobs is not the end of the world. For others, their lives have to make a 360 degree shift from that specific moment. Far-sighted people are more prepared for these kinds of situations, while others like to, or can, live day by day.
Saving a part of your income for a possible situation like the one we are describing may be a way of being able to avoid desperation, though monetary variables are not the only ones to be taken into account when a person loses its job.
The psychological side of the inconvenient is extremely powerful. Depression, lack of confidence and problems with self-esteem are just some examples of consequences it carries with. What have to be known is that it does not always have to do with the person himself. It is not a personal problem; it is usually a collateral impact of economical problems in a global way of speaking, so this is a situation that could have happened to anyone around us, including our partner. We need to be supported and feel it from our family and friends so as to be in conditions of facing job interviews and sending our CVs everywhere and succeed. Many people cannot find a job due to the lack of high self-esteem. The interviewer cannot trust someone who is not able to sell himself during the interview.
From the surroundings the person who lost the job might feel some pressure which would not help him/her in any way. Certain amount of time is needed to clear our minds and determine the direction our lives turned out. Then action taking has to follow but not without thinking our steps.
Losing a job is not our last moment in life so be brave and face a reality. Nobody but you have to be confident about what you are and what you can do. Resist the pressure and use the opportunity to think about your career in a retrospective way.