Use your education. If you are a recent college graduate, chances are you do not have all the requirements for the any job announcements in your field. However, you just spent four or five years of your life to improve your writing, communication, technical and leadership skills. Presentation of use for classes, extracurricular activities, computer programs he has learned, and any volunteer work you have done to your advantage.
Talk about the skills that can be transferred to the position you are applying. Even if you do not have of the exact experience of an employer is looking for, chances are you have had some relevant experience. If the job ad asks someone with experience in sales, but never worked as a salesman, be creative. Maybe you have helped to raise money for a charity or volunteers recruited for a local nonprofit. These things take the same essential skills that a job advertisement for a sales position might be seeking.
Use a combination style resume. A combination resume style incorporates aspects of a functional resume and a chronological order of achievements. It has sections on skills and accomplishments as well as a chronology list and your employment history. Thus, if your skills look great, but have not had a position like which you are applying, you can highlight your skills and knowledge by placing it in the first place and make it prominent, and vice versa.
Talk about your flexibility and ability to understand difficult concepts quickly in your letter. Think of a real situation that was where you had to quickly adapt your skills to learn something new, and include a story that is in your letter. But keep this anecdote. If you get an interview, Employers may ask about it, and the last thing you want is to get caught in a lie.
Create a portfolio. Most jobs today require good writing skills, for example. Collect some samples of your writing, including samples that are relevant to the job you are applying for, and carefully put them in a folder.
Better yet, create a simple online writing portfolio with free site creators, like that offered by the Creating an online writing portfolio has minimal technical skills, and the link can be easily added to the bottom of your resume. This shows that employers are willing to take the initiative and extra effort and show your writing skills.
Incorporate the needs of the employer on your resume and cover letter. In most jobs, you can learn what you need know the way, but still need to possess the strengths that the employer values. Instead of talking about why you want to work for the company, focus on what it can contribute to the company. Use your past experiences, your strengths and areas of expertise. This technique can be used by its cover letter, especially in the first paragraph and section of the goal of your resume.