We often hear of heroes that rescue people from burning buildings without thinking about themselves. They knew that they could go in and save people. Their positive attitudes play a big role in the rescue. However, it is not always easy to keep a positive attitude. Some people actually have a positive attitude in reverse. They are positive that things go wrong, or will fail. Unfortunately, they tend to be right at times. Your attitude has much to do with who you are and have become.
Most people find that when we keep our thinking and attitude on the positive side, things tend to go our way. Everything happens for a reason, and we always try to find a positive side to everything. Admittedly, being positive can be very difficult when dealing with illness and death. But certain people, particularly those who are highly positive, emit energy even during times of deep crisis.
Life is not perfect and our attitude is not everything that can be. People who can maintain a positive thought and attitude are the people who make a real difference in this life. We must believe we can, until someone proves that we cannot. There are those of us who really believe "if first you do not succeed, try, try again".
There is nothing to be ashamed of as long as you have tried and have done your best. If you have never tried to do something because it can fail, you will notice that it failed. Look at the people who have said they will never walk again and ended up running and winning marathons. This is the power of positive thinking and attitude. The capacity for positive thinking and attitude is within all of us. We just have to believe in ourselves.
We are mainly limited to what we can do for our attitude and our thinking. Are you being held back because of your mind and attitude? Do not blame another person for coming short or failures! Change your attitude, project a positive attitude and believe in yourself. If you believe in yourself, others will be inspired and believe in you. It may not happen overnight, but it will happen. We all have different skills and abilities. We have an obligation to ourselves to be the best we can be and not accept anything less than our best performance in all that we try.