We need money to make survival. Job is the source of money. When we work we will be paid for our work. This payment will become our income. Work is of different kinds. There are varieties of work. Each work depends on the skills and capabilities of the workers. The nature and type of the job can be decided depending upon the type of the worker. If the worker is skilled, qualified and trained then he can be given high level of job as white collar jobs or executive jobs. If a worker is uneducated and non-skilled then he will be given low-level jobs like laborer, cleaner, peon etc.
Jobs are of different kinds and types. There are over-night jobs also. Anybody may be required to work overnight, those who are specifically recruited for night-shift or even those at executive levels may once in a while be required to work night-shift. When you are required to work over-night then you should be patient enough to give your sleepless nights to the work. The over-night workers need to be patient, hard-working and wise enough to understand the reason of working over-night. The survival of the over-night worker is also in the hands of the management. When a worker is working over-night then he should be provided with all the facilities that can facilitate his work and made his job easy. The survival of being an over-night worker is little difficult than the day workers.
The human resource jobs fall under the day work category. The human resource jobs or human resource employment is guaranteed and secured. This is because the human resource employment is not affected by the ups and downs of the economy. The human resource careers have security to move ahead with consistency and reliability. The human resource careers have self-growth and development.