- Not really listening to what employees are saying. - It is part of the job in HR to listen to what employees are complaining about and not just hear them. By listening it means that you understand the concern and needs of the employees.
- Favoritism - It is always best for HR personnel to remain neutral in all matters and be objective. When HR management plays favorites, they lose credibility and, ultimately, the respect of the workers. HR needs to give equal chances to everybody.
- Inactivity - It is part of jobs in HR to hold periodic worker meetings or forums where employees can ask about things they don't understand or are not clear about. Do not presume that employees will just work blindly on tasks that they don't understand. It is always good to explain what the company is currently working towards, what a project is all about and how each individual worker can contribute to this plan.
- Lack of communication - It is part of jobs in HR to always be prepared to communicate effectively with all employees in the company. Employees have to know what is expected of them and the schedule of when tasks need to be finished. HR workers need to communicate clearly and be prepared for any questions.
- Giving more importance to company policy than to employees. - If this happens in a small organization, the effects are going to be more profound. Of course company policy has to be followed, but within reason. It is important to have some flexibility, especially in smaller companies. A really bad mistake would be to stand behind policy at the expense of customers. Carefully examine if standing behind company policy would be advantageous or not. If it is a matter of security or personal safety, usually it is best to stand behind policy, but in most cases, it is better to come up with solutions that won't alienate customers or create strained relations with employees.
- Not accepting that you don't have all the answers to all problems. - Do not try to solve every problem. Ask help from individuals who are experts in a particular area. It is not a sign of weakness to admit that you don't know everything. You must also accept that your way is not the only way to do a job.
- Being inflexible to new ideas or new ways of doing things. - This could be a major mistake in careers in HR in a rapidly changing work environment. While there are some tested and proven methods, you should still consider if there could be newer and better ways of going about some things.
- Not taking responsibility. - HR managers have to accept responsibility for any mishaps with regards to employment decisions under their guidance. Avoiding responsibility will eventually catch up to the HR manager and not bode well for his / her future.
- Always focusing on negatives. - It is part of jobs in HR to be a motivator in the workplace. HR managers have to recognize positive achievements by employees and find a way to minimize the effects of setbacks to the company. HR managers who focus too much on negatives will have a bad effect on the rest of the work force.
- Being overly reliant on technology. - An essential trait in qualifying for jobs in HR is being comfortable in managing and handling people. Embracing new technological advances are good for modernizing the office environment, but not at the expense of people skills. It is never good to hide behind technology. Example, in meetings, while it is great to use projectors to illustrate some things, you can also do the same with and even be more effective with low tech methods.